"The best thing about this class is that I know everyday that I have a group of people to talk to about Jesus."- Brianna (12th)
"That I get a break from the crazy environment of high school. I get to focus on nothing but God and fellowship with my peers." - Faith (11th)
"The people I have met"- Jacob (11th)
" We can open up to everyone and I feel like nobody will judge us here." - Courtney (9th)
"The honesty that comes out during it" - Owen (12th)
"It is a really good learning experience" - Alex (11th)
"It helps to relieve the stress from school and learn about God"- Kenzie (11th)
"One thing I appreciate is having the opportunity to be around people that talk about God and how they feel about everything" - Madysen (9th)
God is doing amazing things in the lives of our students! Here is what one of our previous students has to say about his time in Catalyst.